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Have you choose the right dog bed for dog's good healthy
Release time£º2021-05-29       Pageviews£º

Dog bed is the home of dogs. Whether the dog is suitable or not will directly affect the rest quality of dogs, and then affect the health of dogs. In our daily life, we can choose the dog bed by looking at the size, the dog's own situation, the materials, the season and the brand. When choosing, we should choose the dog bed with good quality to avoid the dog bed being torn or causing pet poisoning.

The size of the dog bed is very important. Sometimes, we would rather buy a big one than a small one. Otherwise, your dog can only roll body to sleep, very uncomfortable. If your dog is pregnant, you can't use a small dog bed too. If you buy a dog bed that is smaller than the size of a dog, some larger dogs may deform the kennel. Of course, too large  dog bed will lose its warmth and temperature. Generally, when buying, we can choose to be 2 to 3 times larger than the size of the pet. Consumers should not blindly buy a big dog bed.

According to the dog's own personality characteristics, the selection method of dog bed is also different. For example, young, sick and lactating dogs should choose semi enclosed dog beds. And the lively and moving dog, we can choose the open dog bed for him.

Generally, dog bed is composed of outer layer, inner lining and filler. The outer layer refers to the part that has direct contact with the pet. This part is very important and will affect the dog's hair and skin health. Generally speaking, it is recommended to choose cotton material. If you choose the unsuitable material, it may cause the dog's hair to form pimples, not easy to comb, and the skin may also get some skin diseases, so the quality of the production material is very important for the selection of the dog bed.


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